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yoga prana - Steps to Writing Your Best Yoga Biography

It's amazing what the morning uplifting practice " pranayama " can be. As you sit quietly with you and breathe life force at the dawn of his whole being loaded with vitality and clarity of purpose. Prana - very fashionable word today yoga prana can be best described as the supporting force of the universe.

It is the link between the material world yoga prana and the consciousness of the mind.

iyengar yoga This is what makes life possible on the material plane. yoga prana regulates all bodily functions such as breathing, oxygen supply , digestion , elimination and more . The function of the human body is very similar to a transformer, which is powered by the universal flow of Prana energy distribution , then delete it . The Chinese call "Qi" or penetrating power.

discount prana In Hawaii is known as " mana " - Star - celestial dust. In short " prana " is the essence yoga prana of the construction of all forms iyengar yoga of life. Is an electric current which flows in our meridians.

yoga prana These energy highways can often become blocked, down iyengar yoga, excited or just unbalanced.

Pranayama is the art of measuring breathing and conscious breathing . Most people have a pattern of rapid, shallow breathing , devoid of conscience. As we train to take a slow deep breath and hold it , expand lung capacity, and in turn yoga prana, stop the negative effects of the natural decay by strengthening the heart , lower blood pressure, dispelling stress, the nervous system and the feed system . After pranayama , freshly oxygenated from the lungs spreads to the heart blood, the heart , then pushes the blood through the arteries iyengar yoga to every part of the physical body , penetrating every cell . In this way , we are able to eliminate excess toxins such as uric acid discount prana, lactic acid and yoga prana alkalinity restore the body to its natural pH balance.

However, the most fascinating discovery of the art of breath control for me is when I learned that each breath moves in five directions, related to the five senses. In yoga prana Sanskrit these tangents energy iyengar yoga known as Prana, Apana, Samana, Udana and Viyana. Prana is the heart and is associated with the sense of sight and the element of fire. Constitutes , upstream omnipresent. Apana affects the lower part of the navel body in the soles.

Regulates the removal process. Diseases yoga prana that affect the lower abdomen , intestines , kidneys , urinary tract , legs, etc. , are the result of Apana Prana disorders. It relates to the ground element , and the downward flow of energy. Samana is discount prana centered on the navel. iyengar yoga It relates to the water element, the sense of touch and even the breath and the air carries the digestive energy distribution of nutrition. Udana is the ascending energy that flows from the heart to the head and brain. It accompanies yoga prana the awakening of the Kundalini Shakti.

It permeates the throat, intertwined with the sense of taste, and the release of yoga prana creative energy. Vyana flows through the channels of the nerves iyengar yoga of the human organism. It has an effect on the whole body and especially in the meridians or " nadis . " Poor circulation , deteriorating nerve stimulation and failures, from a deficiency Vyana Prana.

It permeates the entire body and is related to space and the sense yoga prana of hearing.

yoga prana By becoming aware of the five " pranas " we can harness and channel these forces for better health, strength , vitality and the wider consciousness. And speaking of consciousness , it is important to distinguish between the " prana " and " kundalini " that are wrongly considered identical forces. Prana is the life force that is all encompassing discount prana. Facilitates the flow of air, and open the etheric subtle body to stimulate the various " chakras " or energy wheels. A regular practice of pranayama opens the channels of nerves and in turn , fosters creativity by unleashing the power of yoga prana consciousness iyengar yoga also called " Kundalini Shakti ".

Once Kunalini spine rises to the top yoga prana of the head is reached all-inclusive state of consciousness.

iyengar yoga And all this is done simply by changing our way of yoga prana breathing. By extending the breath to create space in the midbrain , change perspective and begin to resonate with all creation.

We purify our body and mind and allow life to flow through yoga prana us achieve inner harmony, better concentration and greater creativity.

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