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boy scout store - What is This?

Just [last] week, Palmdale store the Girl Scouts of Greater Los Angeles ( SLA ) was closed without notice to local Girl Scouts, volunteer leaders boy scout store, and especially the staff who work there. It was a chance meeting between a father and manager Scouts recently completed the Girl Scout shop that has raised awareness of eagle scouts the closure. If not for that, half a world e-mail a prayer dedicated to the closure was boy scout store all that we knew about it.

boy scout store To be clear, the service center with scouting store the remaining six officials still stands ... for now.

scouting store In the newly renovated building, now is a space full boy scout store of goods and pleasantly decorated to attract young and old. But a cloud over the tent feels sad because none of goods for sale. The store is closed indefinitely, and the only part of the building with a cash flow is gone. At that time, the service center is one year into a five-year contract. Just last year, the local home of the Antelope Valley Girl Scouts Lancaster market boy scout store has evolved elegant brick building on Avenue N. Highway At a cost of almost double the price of rent, and lavished upgrades of high quality, the move has made wows believe that there was no budget problems.

Maria (bottom left) is sitting on a brick boy scout store wall of a makeshift memorial outside the store. (Photo contribution)

boy scout store They kidnap our valued SLA kidnapped two members of the family of Girl Scouts of the Antelope Valley shop scouting store. Paula and Melinda have been made with the store. I do not know how long they have worked there , but I have never met two people dedicated to be totally committed to the girls here.

eagle scouts If you have a question, who were using boy scout store. With your help, I have always found new evidence and gave suggestions for purchases that would help my company. When my girl scout came with me, they were just support. When asked how to get the hours, talked about their cookie sales, or was trying to decide how scouting store to spend the money he had in his wallet , which were always encouraging and loving boy scout store with her.

The Antelope Valley has unique challenges that other boy scout store parts of Los Angeles County does not have the experience . This is true for most things and exploration is no exception.

Under the SLA, we boy scout store are less than an hour scouting store drive from most of the events they offer.

If we participate with the rest of the board boy scout store, we must find a way to transport the girls 10-20 40 (Santa Clarita ) and 100 ( Montclair ) miles eagle scouts from home. This includes asking parents not only give up their weekend to drive a car full of girls for hours, but to spend $ 100 on gas to do so. Fortunately, we have incredible relatives here. The programs were produced by non -local SLA and was dependent on individual troops to host events . With the lack of communication between institutions, participation boy scout store is still low. To compensate, the SLA hired a program specialist. We are told it is to develop more LED voluntary " programs ". What weighs on the minds of volunteers is that they scouting store have rejected two members of our family and has hired boy scout store a new person to do more work for us.

boy scout store The reason for the dismissals, according SLA is purely money. Throughout the metropolitan area of awls Angeles , membership is low scouting store, and cookie sales are low, but one store was closed - Palm dale.

Although times stores were severely boy scout store cut Santa Clarita, Antelope Valley girls only lost his store and its employees scouting store. Santa Clarita is just between two stores and can drive in any direction , but the store is the last store Palm dale serve SLA limits all the way to Kern County . Ridgecrest residents even make the drive from our store. Our country is run by people who have no idea eagle scouts what it's like here boy scout store.

When we visited [ recently ], admitted that boy scout store the car was very unpleasant.

Which brings me to the point of why everyone should be concerned boy scout store about. This is another example of how undervalued the Antelope Valley scouting store. We are not given the respect it deserves our region based on the number of people served , the distance they have to travel , and the need for leadership models. Losing the store is blow to any girl who need a uniform for the meeting tonight, or a leader who said a girl and boy scout store need a travel diary for her so she could join his company, or a parent who is completely lost on where to put all the cards and how to stay in uniform ( Paula will help with that!).

The worst part about boy scout store this is that we have not had the courtesy of a decent warning. We knew that the store sales were weak, we ask everyone to buy in the shop and business was picking up. We knew that membership was low, and service scouting store units were campus armament. When there eagle scouts was still time boy scout store, we could say that what was going on and worked hard.

scouting store Many volunteers here work the equivalent part-time and boy scout store full-time SLA not see a penny job, and we are always willing to work harder. If SLA was ready to be " honest and fair " or " considerate and caring " ( two very important boy scout store elements of the Girl Scout Law ), they give us the opportunity to turn around eagle scouts the Antelope Valley with our store and our store employees.

It pains me that we were not even given a fighting  scouting store chance.

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