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yukon gold potato recipes - Yukon Gold Mashed Potato Gratin

Developed in Canada , Yukon Golds are a cross yukon gold potato recipes between a potato in North America and American wild white yellow flesh a South. Its flesh is golden and firm enough rich flavor and moist, with an average content of starch. A perfect compromise between white potatoes and fluffy wet and dry varieties, waxy Yukon Golds is incredibly versatile.

campbells recipes They are perfect for pureeing soups and stews yukon gold potato recipes, and are perfect for grilling and sauteeing, too.

kitchen mathematics :

1 dice medium potato = 5 oz = 1 ½ cup ( 1/2 inch )

do not have one ?
If you mashed or baked, substitutes how to make potato salad burns. For roasted yukon gold potato recipes potatoes or salad, go with a waxy variety like red apples.

How to choose :

Choose the ones that feel heavy and firm. Avoid those that are soft, wrinkled or soiled . And try not to buy potatoes in plastic bags because it is difficult to assess. Small, immature Yukon Gold are often sold as " baby Yukon Gold. " They are good yukon gold potato recipes for grilling, and a substitute or fingerling potatoes. Refusing campbells recipes to buy potatoes that show even a hint of green. Were " lightstruck. " The green color indicates the presence of solanine, which occurs when potatoes are exposed how to make potato salad to light, either in the field or post- harvest.

This slightly yukon gold potato recipes toxic alkaloid has a bitter taste that can cause headaches stomach.

If your potatoes turn green after I get home, remove yukon gold potato recipes any meat color before cooking.

the form of the preparation of yukon gold potato recipes:

Wash and remove any soiled with a kitchen knife. campbells recipes Peel or not as a consultant to your recipes . Potatoes cooked in their skin will be more tasty, hold their shape better yukon gold potato recipes and absorb less water. In addition how to make potato salad, the skins come off much easier once the potatoes are cooked.

how to store:

Potatoes Store away from light in a place? S cool (but not cold) and dry. Any potato ? S stored too long at low temperatures will face an unpleasant sweetness and turns starch into sugar. Potatoes and onions emit gases yukon gold potato recipes that how to make potato salad interact and make each spoil faster campbells recipes, so it recorded separately.

yukon gold potato recipes I like to keep mashed skin - it adds texture, but also keeps the light and fluffy potato to boil potatoes earth.

how to make potato salad Roasted garlic is a good addition to the ground. Simply add the garlic in a small baking dish , sprinkle with olive oil , then cover with foil. Roasted garlic until yukon gold potato recipes soft and golden, about 1 hour in an oven at 350 degrees F.

Yield: 4 servings .


4 medium potatoes Yukon Gold , with skin
2 c . butter
¼ cup milk ½ cup
Coarse salt and freshly ground black pepper , to taste
A pinch of nutmeg
2 c . chopped fresh chives
½ head of roasted garlic (optional)
A handful of shredded cheddar yukon gold potato recipes cheese ( about ¼ cup )
Butter, for the pan

method how to make potato salad?

yukon gold potato recipes Put the potatoes and a little salt in a medium saucepan , add enough cold water to cover and bring to a boil . Reduce heat to medium and simmer until potatoes are tender, about 25-30 minutes depending on size of potatoes.
Drain the potatoes well . Return potatoes to pot. Season with salt and pepper and nutmeg. Add the butter and milk. Thick puree with a pestle. Add onion yukon gold potato recipes and roasted garlic.

To make the puree in a gratin :
Preheat the broiler.
Butter baking dish. Add the mashed potatoes. Sprinkle with cheddar cheese. Cook until hot. Broil until cheese is bubbly and lightly browned, about 2-5 minutes yukon gold potato recipes depending on the heat of the grill.

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