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cub scout badges - Cub Scouts explore lake bottom at Camp Bomazeen

I recently attended Cub Scout Leader Outdoor Training experience. It was a course of 24 hours from Friday night. If you are a leader whose cub scout badges board members, this type of training, I highly recommend it.

We divided into four dens of 8-10 people and cub scout badges is as dens. We put tents canvas wall of our 3D ' , made a flag den, cooked and ate together boy scout merit badge list cub badges, and attended sessions together. We prepared breakfast and made win Dutch ovens aluminum packaging for lunch.

boy scout merit badge list Some sessions were directly related to loyalty : Redman (first aid ), naturalist (insects , snakes, bird nests , etc. ), forests (trees and leaves ), outdoorsman (camping gear ), and geology ( rocks and fossils ), there were also workshops on creating cub scout badges camp (tents, sleeping bags, climate), wooden tools (knives, bow saws , and axes), the camp kitchen, fire departure.

cub scout badges In most Group gave us information on topics such as games for the Cubs, camping religious services, how to conduct a ceremony camp effective and specific information on Wheels camps this summer.

We also had a night campfire ceremony scout merit badge list. The staff did an excellent job in this regard. It was great fun with jokes , skits , songs and a brief statement cub badges at the end of cub scout badges inspiration. The inspiring speech was based on notes opening SCOPE 2000 by General Charles C. Kulak, who was above the Roman military roots of the word "integrity."

Finally, one of the last things we did was take a trip, which also served as a tour of the facilities. They also get some sort of treasure hunt in which we are supposed cub scout badges to take note of something small, something big, something beautiful, something mysterious, something magical, something from the past, which represents the future, etc. When we got back there was a little inspiring speech that one of boy scout merit badge list the coaches talked about how an apple can be seen as if all these things and cut the apple in half showing the star. He spoke of how children see nature through the eyes of his scouts cub scout badges and how children are our future.

cub scout badges Overall, the training was pretty good. The only problem we had was the way it was cooked. The staff brought in a portable fire camp to pay coal. There was no way to control the flow of air, and the fire was so hot it was hard to get close enough to stir the pot without burning. In fact, I did burn arm hair and ruined a jacket to try to remove the bacon in the bottom of the casserole in our study. ( This has nothing to do with the risks inherent in the use of Dutch ovens. ) Later, when cooking with paper packets cub scout badges that had the same problem. The fire was so hot that some of the aluminum boy scout merit badge list foil and the food melts in most aluminum packaging was not cooked evenly.

cub badges Any part that touches the paper burned while others were a little less so cub scout badges.

In fact, I did not like much. I learned valuable lessons from this situation. I think part of the problem is that only use a lot of coal. If you can control the flow cub scout badges of air boy scout merit badge list, you can control the amount of fuel . ( After a breakfast experience, I would have done something different for lunch).

So I decided that somehow fuel pressure may cub scout badges be safer than cooking with wood or coal.

A propane cooking can easily adjust the size of the flame cub scout badges.

boy scout merit badge list There are other things that I thought was a little odd. For example, during a walk, one of the coaches told us that when we are in some way cub scout badges, if we get a pool must walk through it instead of cub badges walking around it ( which would then create a new way ). This is due to the philosophy of " leave no trace ". However, shortly after they were driven off the track shown various trees and plants, and in the process people were trampled wildflowers. They encouraged us to take rocks, fossils, arrowheads and boy scout merit badge list we found start our own collections.

I always thought it was against cub scout badges the license in cub scout badges addition to the philosophy trace.

cub scout badges Another thing I find interesting is how we learned to light fires. In ancient times, the Scouts could learn to make fire without using a match. These coaches have stressed a lot easier methods. Some of the lighter , we are shown: lint, cardboard candle waxed store bought fire lighters, and store-bought FALSE records cut into small pieces and wrapped in newspaper cub badges.

Another participant mentioned how fire starts cub scout badges mixture of sawdust and wax candle in a paper cup. These are all interesting ideas, but boy scout merit badge list it seems like cheating to me.

Anyway, this experience was fun and cub scout badges very informative. Some sessions (especially in first aid ) seemed too short, but they threw a lot of information from us boy scout merit badge list.

cub scout badges In addition, it was fun while being in contact with other leaders and meet new people.

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