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bsa store - BSA National Superkart Championships

British Superkart Championship 2013 Wilshire Ben campaign is back bsa store on track after a successful outing in his local circuit Castle Combe, the last weekend. Driving for the team based in Basingstoke Super kart Racing RPG, Will shire struggling to keep pace with the opening race of the season , the team had to understand and optimize the entire new girls scouts 2013 Super kart boy scouts Ware Anderson Super kart sponsored Will shire driving campaign quickly bsa store.

It did not take long to adapt Ben however, demonstrated by his qualifying pace that earned him a comfortable fourth place on the grid after CI - FICA European champion bsa store Lee Hardpan, Kevin Warding and holds UK Cup 2012 Matt Sherwood.

boy scouts Will shire made ​​a good start in race 1, being in 3rd place in mid- race distance and scope of leaders. Sherwood fell after a few driving errors , but managed to reel Will shire bsa store towards the end of the race, but Ben is pleased to have room in the house and beat their long-term rivals Danny Edwards Danny Butler and the road to take some valuable championship points.

Will shire also had a good start in race two, but 20 Super kart bsa store went to the corner of the mine for the first time, Ben was packed in a small hole in boy scouts the middle of the pack and ends up in ninth place in final round 1.  Will shire dedicated to recover with some blistering lap times and followed a regular battle with Lee for the rest of the race girls scouts.

bsa store Online Will shire finished in fifth place, just 0.1 seconds Danny Butler in third and fourth Lee normal position boy scouts.

Ben would like to thank his friends, family and sponsors to come bsa store and offer their support and encourage the team to Castle Combed. The last points are waiting to be finalized but it is likely to move Will shire now fourth in the championship so a good weekend all year round!

The next race will take place at Netter in July 13th/14th , which also bsa store includes the famous British Kart Grand Prix SÃO Super kart Championship and CI - FICA event.

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