Here are the best solutions for your problem :

why she loves the games?

Your child has taken the computer lately. But what she loves the games not war, thank you God, but the stimulation of theft. You decide to set him up with a very good match for her birthday. But what is needed? You really do not grow up with games like yourself, if you get more interested as a way to connect with your child. Together they have discovered the beauty of the game, giving you the feeling of real flight. You can buy the games to make your experience of life itself, as, through the work of pre-flight real pilots do. However, to get the full sense of the experience, you will need a flight simulator joystick.

What should you look for in a flight simulator joystick? First, you do not want anything that shakes chance. You will need a controller that rotates 360 degrees. You should also look for an analog throttle, allowing you to control the fuel inlet. The joystick is connected to the computer via a USB port, so make sure your computer has an extra available. If you want to go all out, get a joystick that has pedals with it. Another thing to keep in mind is that you want so many programming options that can be obtained.

A flight simulator joystick can cost between $ 20 and $ 200. You must make sure that the accessory you buy comes with a warranty. Try several different controllers and determine which is most comfortable for you and your child. This does not mean that you should not buy the joystick online. What this means is that you want to go to the store to try different systems first.

Rest assured, I have tested out nearly every Flight Sim on the market today, and I found one I can personally recommend.
Stop wasting your money and time on disappointing flight simulators.

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