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Why would you want to have a flexible body?

Why would you want to have a flexible body? Well, for starters, stretching reduces the risk of injury due. Improve posture and muscle balance. And also reduces the risk of back pain. Of course, there are many more reasons. The important thing to remember is that flexibility training is an essential element of any security program fitness.

Anyone can stretch

No matter how old you are or what your current level of flexibility. Unless you have a serious injury that does not allow him to move, you can practice more routines which extends in a very safe.

If you want to gain fast flexibility you need ...

# 1. - Reach regularly

You should always stretch to improve your flexibility. If you stretch for 20 to 30 minutes each day, you can witness quick results.

# 2. - You should not feel pain

You will not become a rubber band man overnight, take baby steps. If you feel pain while stretching, then you've gone too far. It is also important to note, must be heated to prevent injury.

# 3. - Relax

One of the many benefits of obtaining flexibility is that you learn to relax your body with ease. When you stretch your body what it needs to breathe and relax. Remember that a tense body is a flexible body.

# 4. - Contract and relax

Squeeze the muscles as hard as you can for 20 seconds, then release. Repeat this exercise several times. The first thing you'll notice after this exercise is that your body will be very relaxed. The second advantage is that you will increase your flexibility, a little after each session.

If you do not see results

Gain flexibility is very easy, all you have to do is to stretch regularly. If you notice any improvement after two or three weeks, then the frequency of stretching is not enough, or stretching session is not enough.

Try yoga

Yoga is one of the best ways to learn how to stretch the muscles effectively. It is literally a yoga position for each part of your body you want to focus. Many yoga postures are very easy to learn, you can read a book or search the web to understand. But if you really want to increase your results, you need to find a teacher.

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